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繼續教育 碩無線手持式超音波 MSK骨復健系列之2 + 超音波輔助之診斷與治療 (肘部與髖部)
繼續教育 WIMEC脊椎神經骨關節超音波引導介入治療大體實作課程
繼續教育 2025 會陰疼痛研討會
繼續教育 華碩無線手持式超音波 MSK骨復健系列之5 + 超音波輔助之診斷與治療 (頸椎與腰椎)
繼續教育 華碩手持式超音波骨復健系列課程之四 超音波基礎系列:上肢與下肢神經
公文訊息 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署編撰「安寧緩和醫療病人之疼痛照護衛教手冊(民眾版)」等6手冊各1款,請惠與參考運用,請查照。
最新消息 敬請各位提名推薦【2025學會獎】
其他學會訊息 世界疼痛醫學會台灣分會-7th WIP Taipei Interventional Pain Workshop Masterclass in Advanced Interventional Procedures
公文訊息 財團法人台灣醫界聯盟基金會(下稱本會)辦理衛生福利部113年強化我國參與國際組織(WHO、APEC)計畫之「國際衛生福利事務參與人才資料庫」建立作業,敬請協助回覆。
會議訊息 第十八屆第七次理監事聯席會議
最新消息 2025台灣疼痛醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會「全方位的疼痛照護 : 創新與整合」
公文訊息 衛生福利部「公告『舒痛停靜脈注射液50毫克毫升(衛署藥輸字第024289號)』、『釋通緩釋錠16毫克(衛部藥輸字第026848『釋通緩釋錠64毫克(衛部藥輸字第026850號)』等4項藥品之輸入業者,應自本公告日起一星期內通知藥品直接銷售之醫療機構、藥局及藥商,並於六個月內收回市售品,醫療機構、藥局及藥商並應予配合相關回收作業。」
公文訊息 衛生福利部「公告『壽元 斯眠靜注射液50公絲公撮(鹽酸妥美度)(衛署藥製字第036167號)』、『默痛舒持續性藥效膠囊60毫克(衛署藥輸字第023779號)』及『釋通緩釋錠8毫克(衛署藥輸字第026037號)』藥品之製造或輸入業者,應自本公告日起一星期內通知藥品直接銷售之醫療機構、藥局及藥商,並於六個月內收回市售品,醫療機構、藥局及藥商並應予配合相關回收作業。」
Editor's recommendation
Nalbuphine Sebacate 合併Parecoxib 有效控制術後疼 痛: 臨床觀察研究之初步報告
Nalbuphine Sebacate Combined with Parecoxib Was Effective in the Treatment of Post-surgical Pain: A Preliminary Observational Study
關鍵字 Nalbuphine Sebacate、Parecoxib、術後疼痛、多模式止痛 Nalbuphine Sebacate, Parecoxib, Post-surgical pain, Multi-model analgesia.
作者 黃安年(John On-Nin Wong)、陳多慕(Thomas Dou-Moo Tan)、周謀材(Mou-Tsai Chao)、葉重宏(Chung-Hung Yeh)
進- 拮抗劑Nalbuphine Sebacate,在與Parecoxib 合併使用於術後疼痛治療的臨床效
方法:本研究收集了十位手術病患,於術後接受Nalbuphine Sebacate 150 mg 作深
部肌肉注射及Parecoxib40 mg 作靜脈注射,並評估其藥物之止痛效果及安全性。我們使
用言語數字評分法(VRS: 0-10) 評估其靜止及活動時之疼痛分數、並以Ramsay 鎮靜分數(
1-6 )、疼痛對情緒影響分數( 0-3 )、睡眠品質分數( 0-3 )、止痛藥物引起之副作用
及病患之滿意度( 0-4 ) 等作詳細評估及追蹤記錄。所有資料及數據收集於恢復室、病
房及家中,並按該止痛藥注射後24、48、72 小時及7 天內作完整記錄。
結果:結果顯示,病患的情緒及睡眠於注射Nalbuphine Sebacate 後均沒有受疼痛
注射該藥後,於各評估階段結果的比較,均有明顯的改善( p<0.05 )。 最常見的副作
用為暈眩(50%)、噁心(20%)、嘔吐(10%) 及嗜睡(10%) 等,但大部份於2-3 天內完全恢復。
結論:Nalbuphine Sebacate 合併Parecoxib 使用,證實是有效治療術後疼痛。
Nalbuphine Sebacate 明顯的止痛效果為強效、作用時間長、但起始時間慢,並有限度
摘要 Summary
Background: The aim of the study is to observe the clinical efficacy and safety of an agonist-antagonist opioid analgesic –nalbuphine sebacate, a new long-acting injectable pain killer, combined with parecoxib for post-surgical pain management.
Methods: We collected 10 patients who underwent surgical procedures and received nalbuphine sebacate 150 mg via deep intramuscular and Parecoxib 40 mg via intravenous injection postoperatively. We evaluated its analgesic efficacy and safety using a verbal ranking pain scale ( 0-10 ) at rest and during movement, a sedation scale by Ramsay Sedation Score ( 1-6 ), scales for mood state induced by pain ( 0-3 ), quality of sleep ( 0-3 ), and satisfaction ( 0-4 ) and adverse effects. Data were collected in the post-anesthesia care unit, and in the general ward and at home 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days after surgery.
Results: There was no interference with mood and sleep after injection of nalbuphine sebacate , and also no significant differences in the sedation scale during the recovery period and following days after surgery. All data showed statistically significant improvement in the pain score after treatment compared with the post-anesthesia recovery period in the recovery room ( p<0.05 ). Adverse effects included dizziness (50%), nausea (20%), vomiting (10%), and somnolence (10%), most of which improved after 2 to 3 days.
Conclusions: Nalbuphine sebacate combined with parecoxib was found to be effective in the treatment of post-surgical pain. Nalbuphine sebacate is an obviously potent analgesic, with a long duration of action, but with a slow onset of action and limited adverse effects. However, we need more cases to prove these results in the future.
人才招募 馬偕醫院麻醉部疼痛科誠徵兩名疼痛專責醫師及數名兼職醫師
人才招募 Visiting Scholar Recruitment
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- 台灣癌症安寧緩和醫學會
- 台灣遠絡醫學會
- International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
- World Institute of Pain (WIP)
- European Pain Federation ( EFIC )
- Society for Pain Practice Management (SPPM)
- American Pain Society
- The Pain Association of Singapore
- World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography (WAPMU)